The XviD-Ogg-MKV Walkthrough v2006.01.21.a

If you would like to be notified when there is a new version, contact me at

neap0litan is MIA - not responding to emails and no posts on the forums (that I know of).
This copy of the guide, while useful, is outdated. I keep it around for the occasional rip to CD.
Feel free to use it for the same purpose, but don't count on any updates from me. If you update it
let me know so I can put the updates and credit here. I leave the links here in case you'd like to
try to contact him, but don't hold your breath.

changes in 2009.05.15 by nauip
--Cleaned out all that google garbage.
--applied the above notice
--hosted on my own server

changes in version 2006.01.21
--Signed up with DreamHost and moved to
--Sold out and signed up with Google AdSense
--Added logo
--Added swanky favicon in 32x32 and 16x16 resolutions
--Switched from MPC to VLC for checking audio/video while encoding
--Updated playback_instructions.txt with address
--Updated Filetopia link, Incredibly Strange Video link
--Added links to ripping and viewing software packages in Software and Viewing stages
--Removed DVD Decrypter hash info and alternate links
--Switched to ffdshow x264 build, with ffdshow-alpha and Celtic Druid's builds as alternates
--Updated ffdshow instructions/screenshots in Viewing stage
--Updated MPC screenshots in Viewing stage

changes in version 2006.01.07
--Updated link to HybridFuPP in Software stage
--Added µTorrent, TorrenTopia, and Bitspider links to clients section of links page
--Removed Afterdawn link to DVD Decrypter, added Google link and hash info
--Added SubRip mirrors in Software stage
--Updated doom9 codec comparison link in intro
--Updated Subtitles stage with SubRip 1.50 beta 2 instructions/screenshots
--Updated Quality and Video stages with XviD 1.1.0 instructions/screenshots
--VLC now handles chapters correctly--removed warning note
--Added a note to Script stage about dealing with odd interlacing patterns
--Updated libvorbis mirror link
--Added alternate ffdshow links in Viewing stage

changes in version 2005.09.08
--Updated DGIndex screenshots
--Updated BeSweet screenshots
--Switched to Lancer version of aoTuVb4 libvorbis.dll for faster encoding
--Updated TVTome link in Sharing stage
--Clarified instructions in Quality stage about visiting Viewing stage

changes in version 2005.08.27
--Clarified NTSC DVD instructions in Decoding stage
--Added Hamachi and Nodezilla apps on Links page
--Fixed Script stage to show correct HybridFupp width/height requirements
--Updated SubRip link in Software stage
--Added DVD Decrypter mirror
--Removed links and references to bmd's site, as it is no longer available
--Dropped megamix2 and moved to aoTuVb4 for all audio encoding
--Updated SubRip screenshots to version 1.30b11
--Updated mkvmerge screenshots to version 1.5.5
--Added note about setting BitTorrent ports to 30000+ range in case of ISP cap

changes in version 2005.06.28
--Upgraded to new aoTuVb4 Vorbis version in Software and Audio stages
--Added links to DVD Decrypter in Software stage
--Updated Start menu images
--Upgraded to Intel 8.1 libmmd.dll in Software stage
--Tried to fix ugly red color in Subtitles stage

changes in version 2005.06.07
--Upgraded to HybridFuPP 0.92b
--Added link to in Sharing stage
--Updated Matroska Pack Full instructions in Viewing stage
--Updated and simplified playback_instructions.txt in Sharing stage
--Switched to Haali Media Splitter in Viewing stage
--Added TVTome link to Sharing stage
--Added a note on an alternate 1CD .cqm to Quality/Video stages
--Modified Decoding stage to include proper PAL instructions
--Removed links to old Comcast page, moved main page to
--Switched to ffdshow for Vorbis decoding, updated Software and Viewing stages
--Added asharp.dll mirror
--Updated Subtitles stage with new SubRip version which now recognizes Unicode

changes in version 2005.03.06
--Changed Doom9 link on the Intro page to the Doom9 Forums
--Added a suggestion to make a note of the first subtitle time before adjusting
--Updated Gordian Knot screenshots to version 0.35.0
--Included Tweak plugin help file on-site
--Included a dummy subtitles file for videos with subs that should be off by default
--Modified muxing instructions: it's now ok to use special characters in the "File/segment title"
--Added note on looking up DVD chapter names at AMG and B&N
--Again need to select "pixel" before cropping in GK since beta update
--Updated Media Player Classic links now that version is finally out
--Added more info to the .srt time-editing instructions in the Subtitles stage
--Switched to new Unicode MKVMerge GUI 1.40 with installer
--Updated muxing.bat instructions since it doesn't need to be in the mkvtoolnix folder anymore
--Added a note to the Quality and Video stages about trying zones with the Weight option
--Switched to 7-Zip format for downloadable site archive

changes in version 2005.02.16
--Updated MPC CVS links all stages and playback_instructions.txt
--Included Ylevels in the Software directory instead of off-site
--Spelling correction in the Sharing stage
--Updated Decoding stage, no more "Autoincrement Open" in DGIndex
--Upgraded to latest HybridFuPP
--Updated Gordian Knot screenshots in Script stage
--Deinterlacing moved before crop in scripts
--No need for top/bottom cropping values to be multiples of 4
--New location of DGDecode.dll in scripts
--Switched to H.263 Quantization for 1 CD and episodic rips
--Updated Quality and Video stages with .cqm extension for qmatrix files
--Added link to VSFilter 2.33b in Viewing stage

changes in version 2004.12.28
--Updated Ripping stage with instructions for DVDs where each episode is a chapter
--Updated Software and Audio stages with instructions for libvorbis.dll using aoTuVb3 and MegaMix2
--Added a downloadable spreadsheet for determining the correct video size to the Quality stage
--Upgraded to latest alpha version of HybridFuPP despite lack of English documentation...
--Added a note about rare HybridFuPP error in the Quality and Video stages
--Added a note to the Quality and Video stages about multiple XviD installations
--Removed Qpel from default settings because slower computers can't handle it
--Added GK Rip Pack 0.33.1 and mkvmerge GUI 1.0.1 screenshots and instructions where necessary
--Modified scripts with brightness/saturation settings, added instructions on their use
--Added links to Media Player Classic CVS builds which have the updated Matroska splitter built in
--Overhauled the Viewing stage

changes in version 2004.11.22
--Updated instructions for dealing with rare MaskTools.dll error
--Added an extra note about checking the brightness/cropping in VirtualDubMod
--Modified Viewing stage and playback_instructions.txt to deal with out-of-date Media Player Classic
--Changed mkvtoolnix link back to the latest version
--Added note about extra cropping on the right side of the image
--Updated CoreVorbis links in Software stage, Viewing stage, playback_instructions.txt
--Removed apotheosis and jerkfaces image-hosting links, added 2and2, tinypic, imgspot.
--Updated link to Crusty's XviD FAQ
--Updated Real/Quicktime Alternative links
--Updated Viewing stage with new VLC aspect ratio setting instructions

changes in version 2004.09.04
--Changed link in Software stage to mkvtoolnix 0.9.4, since the latest one is crashing
and producing files that don't work with the Matroska splitter in MPC
--Renamed some images that Proxomitron thought were ads
--Edited Viewing stage and playback_instructions with an easier way to change VLC aspect ratio
--Updated RealAlternative/QuicktimeAlternative links in Viewing stage

changes in version 2004.08.06
--Updated Sharing stage with a note about Intellectual Property and Copyright
--Added extra links HybridFuPP, since many people were having problems downloading it
--Updated Viewing stage and playback_instructions.txt with links to ffdshow-alpha
--Linked to the AviSynth Filter Collection in the Script stage
--Included more precise file-naming instructions in the Muxing stage

changes in version 2004.07.28
--Added note about trying msvcr70.dll and msvcp70.dll if there are plugin loading errors
--Updated ffdshow configuration info in playback_instructions.txt and Viewing stage
--Removed alternate CoreVorbis links now that the CoreCodec download site is back up
--Switched ffdshow link from Andy2222's version to milan cutka's
--Added episodic DVD ripping instructions
--Pulled Garbo link from the Sharing stage
--Added a note about delay compensation during the muxing stage
--Added a note to the Script stage about invalid .d2v files
--Incorporated Ylevels into the scripts for brightness
--Added notes about changing the VirtualDubMod process thread priority
--Added notes about adding dummy subtitles during muxing
--Added notes about creating and examining the .jobs file in VirtualDubMod
--Added note about not pasting/editing lines in the firstpass muxing batch file

changes in version 2004.07.12
--Updated mkvmerge instructions to version 0.9.2
--Added RCE Protection step to the Ripping stage
--Switched to bmd's script for 2 CDs, added note about using it with some 1 CD movies
--Added asharp.dll link to the Software stage
--Updated Script stage with Gordian Knot 0.32 beta
--Added note about retaining the DVD so you can refer to it after ripping
--Added links to free image hosting for screenshots in the Sharing stage
--Updated Subtitles stage with a note about VobSub Rip.
--Updated Start menu images
--Adjusted the compression ratio guidelines in the Quality stage

changes in version 2004.06.28
--Added note about the purpose of Zones
--Removed "uncheck Calculate Frame-Overhead" from Script stage, since it's now off by default
--Included more specific instructions on what to enter in video notes.txt
--Added note on dynamic IP addresses and routers to the Sharing stage
--Added note to Software stage about alpha software
--Added right-click tip to HybridFuPP section in the Software stage
--Added instructions to uninstall old GK version before installing the newest one
--Modified scripts to crop before deinterlacing, added note about mod-4 cropping
--Simplified the compression ratio section in the Quality stage, relaxed the criteria
--Switched to hvs-best for 2 CDs and SixOfNine-HVS for 3 CDs
--Added note about usage of the VirtualDubMod "mark out" buttons
--Fixed the green color in the Script stage

changes in version 2004.06.20
--Modified Script stage with separate scripts for 1CD and 2CD encodes
--Added Ligh's matrix collection to the Software page
--Switched to SixOfNine-HVS (Didees SixOfNine Max=24.qmatrix) for 2CDs
--Modified Software and Audio stages to facilitate switching between Ogg .dlls
--Added instructions on using XviD zones in the Quality and Video stages
--Renamed video size.txt to video notes.txt
--Fixed the ugly mauve color in the Quality stage
--Moved the validation image links
--Added notes in the Subtitles and Muxing stages about .idx/.sub subtitles
--Changed all length-based instructions to CD-based, except for the initial 1:45:00 recommendation

changes in version 2004.06.19
--Added informational CSS mouseover popups throughout
--Replaced DVD2AVI instructions and images with DGIndex
--Updated Script stage with latest version of Gordian Knot
--Incorporated HybridFuPP into the Script stage
--Added compression ratio section to the Overhead stage
--Swapped Audio and Subtitles stages due to changes in the Overhead stage
--Changed the name of the Overhead stage to "Quality"
--Added a note in the Viewing stage about setting the ffdshow aspect ratio
--Changed audio format link in the intro since the Hydrogen Audio Knowledgebase is down
--Updated alternate Corevorbis links in playback_instructions.txt, Software, and Viewing stages
--Added XHTML/CSS validation link images
--Added my email address:

changes in version 2004.06.11
--Switched to date-based version number
--Adjusted the projected times for different processes to reflect a wider range of CPU speeds
--Added the walkthrough URL to playback_instructions.txt
--Rearranged the Decoding stage to make the Field Operation choice more clear
--Changed the wording in the Script stage to make bpp selection more clear
--Cleaned up a couple of images
--Added warning not to delete video.pass
--Added instructions on using XviD's cartoon mode for animated sources
--Added note for users with slower PCs to try Andy2222's ffdshow if necessary
--Changed playback_instructions.txt to add the ffdshow note

changes in version 1.3
--Added version number to copyright disclaimer
--Added note about DVD Decrypter connecting to update server
--changed 1CD bpp from 0.170 to 0.200
--Minor fixes to a few images
--Added note about VLC handling disc images, not recognizing mkv chapters
--Made sure all the XHTML and CSS was valid

changes in version 1.2:
--Added instructions for anyone with an old version of XviD installed
--Modified the Script stage to properly accommodate non-anamorphic widescreen DVDs
--Modified the Overhead and Muxing stages to reflect the Script stage changes

changes in version 1.1:
--Added link to Garbo in the Sharing stage.
--Changed screenshot recommendation from "actual resolution" to "playback resolution"
--Added part about tracker site upload speed display possibly being incorrect during super-seeding
--Added permission to copy and modify the walkthrough
--Provided alternate links to CoreVorbis
